Monday, November 28, 2011




Sunday, November 27, 2011

so how.

 I'm feeling quite stress now.
So many things are coming in the same time.
Sometime just feel like no idea on that, but no matter how, still need to finish it on time.
Most trouble me now is my final year project.
It's the most difficult things in my few years study life.
So how???
Just think in the positive ways LOL.haizz...

Friday, November 25, 2011

Crab Island

If without all the rubbish there, it should be a nice and peaceful place to live.-Pulau Ketam-

Thursday, November 24, 2011


⒈ 總會把事情想得很長久
⒉ 喜歡黑夜 習慣晚睡
⒊ 很固執,執著不懂得放棄也不會輕易的就放手除非萬不得已
⒋ 在別人面前笑得很開心一個人​​旳時候卻很漠落
⒌ 在陌生人面前很安靜在朋友面前胡鬧對朋友很好能幫就幫大好人
⒍ 喜歡寫字閱讀電影逛街消磨時間
⒎ 莫名地孤單 無法抗拒的恐懼感
⒏ 不愛說話 很愛說話
⒐ 心情不好旳時候 卻喜歡聽悲歌
⒑ 容易滿足 更容易受傷
⒒ 習慣了沉默在沉默中爆發或者選擇滅亡
⒓ 習慣保留自己因為只有這樣在離開旳時候心才不會痛因為嘗試了心痛的滋味所以懂得
⒔ 不相信童話卻一直期待會有個真正懂得自己保護自己旳人出現
⒕ 喜歡懷舊老想到之前的種種美好之後感到深深旳寂寞恐懼
⒖ 一點點事就胡思亂想想到戲劇般旳嚇人
⒗ 付出旳遠遠超過得到旳
⒘ 坐在電腦前不知道做什麼卻又不想關掉它想和心裡的他聯繫可是又怕打擾到給他帶來不便
⒙ 覺得世界上每一個人都不可靠但卻還是那樣地選擇相信別人
⒚ 不習慣一個人莫名其妙地消失在自己旳生命中
⒛ 不喜歡等待 卻總是等​​待

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Today is better than yesterday!

Felt abit down yesterday
I think that's just a temporary emotion only
But feeling better now
Maybe think too much and over sensitive already!

hehe...thanks for concern from someone.
Really feel warm on that!=)
Thank you so much....

I like the quote above so much!
I always believe it and keep it in my mind to remind myself to move on anyway.