Saturday, March 16, 2013


在纽西兰已经是第三个星期了。刚开始真的有点不顺利,可能这真的是一个考验吧。现在什么都不管了,来到这里真的好像拋诸脑后,什么东西都不用想了。来这里真的是一种生活的体验,新的尝试。我要尝试着一些一些,根本在马来西亚是不会做也没机会做的东西。好吧,就像妈妈所说的,尽情的赚钱,吃喝玩乐。这短短的几个月很快就会过去了。任何的一个考验都是生命中的体验。加油!!! :)

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year 2013

Thanks for your present. Finally the day was reached.
I already knew this truth since one year ago, but the feel of leaving is really bad.

I was felt touch when read through the card. You are right, we must have a balancing in our life.
Except work, still have many other important things such as family, love, play, travel...and etc.
The message that you sent to me is really sweet and warm... Thank you so much!!! <3
I will take care myself...

I have made a decision on my current job. I think this is good for me...